jesus the truth

by Joanne Canazzi

Christian poetry inspired by the Word

Jesus the Truth is a collection of beautifully crafted non-denominational Christian poetry inspired by the Word. Each poem was written after Joanne heard the "good news". Each in its unique way explores a concept or story from the Old and New Testaments and reflects Joanne's humble dedication to serving God. 

Family and friends have enjoyed hearing and learning from her poems over the years and encouraged her to publish them. Thus, Jesus the Truth.

Immerse yourself in this carefully curated poetry collection.

“Impossible to put down. loved it!”

— Richard D.

“Stunning book of poems”

— Leah C.

“Exquisite poetry.”

— Sharon M.

“Riveting! Beautiful! Important biblical messages.”

— Brandi O.

sample poems


Who gives what they most cherish?

God! He gave His Son to men

He desires that none should perish

Christ’s salvation comes through Him

A once for all perfect sacrifice

Able to bring men to perfection

Gives whosoever comes eternal life

Through His death and resurrection

It is Christ’s blood only that could

Cause sin and death to be defeated

And this unspotted offering would

Never have to be repeated

Our Passover Lamb, God’s only Son

God spared not anything

Those covered by Christ’s blood

Become joint heirs with their King

He’s the promised King the world learns

When Christ comes back again

With glorious splendor He returns

And every knee is bowing then 


God’s righteous demands were satisfied

When our sin all fell on Jesus

Since God suffers no unrighteousness

He will not unsave or leave us.

The gift of God Is eternal life

Christ’s finished work is done

Who could pluck us from His hand

It is Christ that said, “No one!”

His gifts are without repentance

His calling we can trust

Not our love for God, that made the choice

It was all His love for us.

And He sealed us by His spirit

Truth, His word reveals

If God selects, and predestines

Why would God undo the seal?

His grace, more than sufficient

And His mercy will endure

He loves with love, immutable

We are eternally secure.

Our advocate

We have a heavenly advocate

Who made our cause His own

All accusations are dismissed

When cast before God’s throne

We are not arrayed in prison garb

Who in Christ have placed our trust

The judge declared us innocent

No plea bargaining for us

As far as east is from the west

Our sin is washed away

The purest of white raiment

The robe we wear today

His blood upon the mercy seat

And all our past is past

We are safe, secure, incorruptible

In Christs’ unyielding grasp

Jesus the truth

‘Are you the King of the Jews’

A mocking question asked

‘Is this your own idea?’ said Jesus

And Pilate was aghast

‘Am I a Jew?’

He heatedly replied

And all present knew Pilate

Could have Him crucified

No one could take His life from Him

The gift was His to give

He willingly was lifted up

So all who come might live

In the hall of judgment,

Words echoed in the air

‘What is truth?’ sighed Pilate

And Truth was standing there

About Joanne

Joanne Canazzi is a masterful poetry wordsmith with vast biblical knowledge. Her beautifully crafted poems demonstrate her unique blend of compassion, humility, humor, and profound wisdom.

Joanne has dedicated her life to serving God as a Bible teacher, prayer partner, wisdom giver, sister and friend. For 40 years, she was a medical technologist at Children’s Hospital and Sister’s Hospital.

Joanne is a widow and a mother of two children, seven grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

A lifelong resident of suburban Buffalo, she places God at the center of everything she does. Joanne has held numerous Bible studies in her home, as well as in churches, nursing homes and prisons.

To know her is to love her!! Family and friends encouraged her to publish her poetry.

Thus, Jesus the Truth.